Title: "O-o-o-o-!" 11" X 14", (Model: Me)
Title: "Oh, dear...", 11" X 14"
Title: "I've GOT to tell SOMEone!", 11" X 14"
Title: "Some medicine is hard to take", 11" X 14"
It's been a while since I did a conplete still life. This was for a gallery show called "The Relationship of Things" at the Davis Gallery in Austin, Tx. I showed it along with several of my earlier multi-panel still life paintings. Title: "So much depends on the red shoes beside the white pearls.." (Catch the reference to the poem, "The Red Wheelbarrow" by William Carlos Williams?), 14" X 40"
This is a combination of figurative and still life. Title: "Over lunch.", 14" X 20"
My latest painting, done for a group show at the Davis Gallery in Austin opening July 28, 2018. This one took a longer than I expected! Five faces was a big challenge. Again, a bit of a combination of figurative and still life. I consider this and the above "Over Lunch" to definitely reflect my affinity for Norman Rockwell-type of everyday, lighthearted scenes.
Title: "The Happy Hostess", 15" X 22"
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