Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Catching up

It has been a while since I posted on my blog and I’m behind with images I’ve created! Below are  some images since my last post in 2017.  As you can see, I have continued using expressive images, generally lighthearted images of people. They may seem a little at odds during a more somber time right now, both in the world and in the U.S.  But maybe we need to be reminded that there are gentler, less serious aspects of our human experience.  Besides, the expressions are a challenge as well as fun to do. 

 Title:  "O-o-o-o-!"  11" X 14", (Model:  Me)

 Title:  "Oh, dear...", 11" X 14"

Title:  "I've GOT to tell SOMEone!", 11" X  14"

 Title:  "Some medicine is hard to take", 11" X 14"

 It's been a while since I did a conplete still life.  This was for a gallery show called "The Relationship of Things" at the Davis Gallery in Austin, Tx.  I showed it along with several of my earlier multi-panel still life paintings.  Title: "So much depends on the red shoes beside the white pearls.."  (Catch the reference to the poem, "The Red Wheelbarrow" by William Carlos Williams?),  14" X 40"

 This is a combination of figurative and still life.  Title: "Over lunch.", 14" X 20"

My latest painting, done for a group show at the Davis Gallery in Austin opening July 28, 2018.  This one took a longer than I expected!  Five faces was a big challenge. Again, a bit of a combination of figurative and still life.  I consider this and the above "Over Lunch" to definitely reflect my affinity for Norman Rockwell-type of everyday, lighthearted scenes.  
Title: "The Happy Hostess", 15" X 22"